Repaying Loans
The Portfolio page is where users may go to repay their loans.
If you have borrowed tokens in a Market, you may repay your loans anytime by selecting "Repay" under "Actions" in the "Open Positions" table.

Portfolio Page
You may repay your loans anytime before they expire. Alternatively, since Qonstant treats borrowing and lending in the same Market as inverse actions you can also effectively exit early from your loans by lending the equivalent amount in the same Market. Learn more in the qTokens section.
Important: You must pay back your loan by the maturity date indicated in the table (Maturity). By convention, the maturity date will be on the last day of the month at 4:00 pm UTC. If you do not repay your loan by the maturity date, your account is eligible to be liquidated and your collateral will be seized to repay the loan and incur a liquidation penalty.
The "Portfolio" page also lists the status of your live, open Quotes, if you have published any. You may cancel your Quotes anytime on this page by selecting "Cancel" under "Actions" in the "Open Quotes" table.