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The QAdmin contract contains meta-information on all supported Assets and available FixedRateMarkets for borrowing and lending for each Asset. An ERC20 Asset on Qonstant is (potentially) enabled for two purposes:

  1. For being supplied as collateral. The value of the collateral is determined by its USD value (as determined by on-chain Chainlink oracle), MULTIPLIED by its collateralFactor (a value between [0,1]). Generally, large or liquid tokens will have higher collateralFactors while small or illiquid tokens will have lower collateralFactors. A collateralFactor of zero implies that the Asset is not supported as a collateral token.

  2. For creating FixedRateMarkets for borrowing and lending the ERC20. The value of borrows of the ERC20 is determined by its USD value (as determined by the on-chain Chainlink oracle), DIVIDED by its marketFactor (a value between [0,1]). Generally, large or liquidt tokens will have higher marketFactors while small or illiquid tokens will have lower marketFactors.


function assets(address token) external view returns(Asset memory)

Returns the Asset data for any given ERC20. An Asset is a struct with the following fields:

struct Asset {
bool isEnabled;
bool isYieldBearing;
address underlying;
address oracleFeed;
uint collateralFactor;
uint marketFactor;
uint[] maturities;
  • isEnabled : True if the ERC20 is enabled on Qonstant, false otherwise.
  • isYieldBearing: Indicates if the Asset is a yield-bearing token.
  • underlying: The address of the underlying ERC20 token.
  • oracleFeed: The corresponding Chainlink oracle address for determining the value of the Asset.
  • collateralFactor: Used for discounting the value of collateral supplied in the ERC20. Value between [0,1], scaled by 1e8.
  • marketFactor: Used for applying a premium on the value of borrows of the ERC20. Value between [0,1], scaled by 1e8.
  • maturities: An iterable array of all the enabled maturities (UNIX timestamp in seconds) for the ERC20. An empty array implies there is no available FixedRateMarket for borrowing and lending this ERC20.


function fixedRateMarkets(address token, uint maturity) external view returns(address)

Returns the address of the FixedRateMarket. A FixedRateMarket is a self-contained smart contract that handles all borrowing and lending for a particular market. A FixedRateMarket is characterized by two fields:

  1. token: The underlying ERC20 token that can be borrowed or lent.
  2. maturity: The datetime (UNIX timestamp in seconds) after which borrows should be repaid, and when lendings may redeem their underlying.

Hence, for a particular ERC20, there may be multiple FixedRateMarkets corresponding to different maturity dates.